在 Gradle 中,如何生成具有解析为实际使用版本的动态依赖项的 POM 文件?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 dependencies gradle java maven pom.xml

在 Gradle 中,如何生成具有解析为实际使用版本的动态依赖项的 POM 文件?

In Gradle, how can I generate a POM file with dynamic dependencies resolved to the actual version used?

dependencies {
    testCompile(group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+')


This is generated from the dependency above.


我希望将 + 解析为如下所示的应计版本.

I want to have the + resolved to an accrual version like below.


Maven Publishing 上的 Gradle 指南章节谈到了这样做,但没有提到如何.

The Gradle guide chapter on Maven Publishing talks about doing this, but does not mention how.

使用这个钩子,您可以修改 POM 的任何方面.例如,您可以将依赖项的版本范围替换为用于生成构建的实际版本.

With this hook, you can modify any aspect of the POM. For example, you could replace the version range for a dependency with the actual version used to produce the build.


使用 Peter Niederwieser 回答中的信息,我创建了一个任务,该任务读取包含动态依赖项的 POM,并用已解决依赖项的新 pom 覆盖它.


Using the information in Peter Niederwieser's answer, I created a task that reads a POM that contains dynamic dependencies and overwrites it with a new pom that has the dependencies resolved.

 * Reads and Overwrites POM file resolving dynamic dependencies
task cleanPom(dependsOn: writeNewPom) << {
    // Get existing pom file
    Node xml = new XmlParser().parse(pomFileLocation)

    // Generate map of resolved versions
    Map resolvedVersionMap = new HashMap()
    Set<ResolvedArtifact> resolvedArtifacts = configurations.compile.getResolvedConfiguration().getResolvedArtifacts()
    resolvedArtifacts.each {
        resolvedVersionMap.put(it.getName(), it.getModuleVersion().getId().getVersion())

    // Update dependencies with resolved versions
    xml.dependencies.first().each {
        Node artifactId = it.get("artifactId").first()
        def artifactName = artifactId.value().first()
        def artifactVersion = resolvedVersionMap.get(artifactName)

        Node version = it.get("version").first()
        version.value = artifactVersion

    // Overwrite existing pom file
    new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(pomFileLocation))).print(xml)



It will require some effort to code this up. The two main parts are:

  • 使用 Configuration#getIncomingConfiguration#getResolvedConfiguration API 查询已解析的版本
  • 使用 Groovy 的 XMlParser API 操作 POM(假设使用了新的 maven-publish 插件)
  • Querying resolved versions using the Configuration#getIncoming or Configuration#getResolvedConfiguration API
  • Manipulating the POM using Groovy's XMlParser API (assuming the new maven-publish plugin is used)

关于 Configuration API 的信息可以在 Gradle 构建语言参考,进一步链接到 Javadoc.完整的 Gradle 发行版包含一个 小样本 演示 POM 操作.关于 XmlParser 的信息可以在 Groovy 文档中找到.

Information about the Configuration API can be found in the Gradle Build Language Reference, which further links into the Javadoc. The full Gradle distribution contains a tiny sample that demonstrates POM manipulation. Information about XmlParser can be found in the Groovy docs.
