Play Framework 1.2:如何添加自定义模块依赖

2022-01-15 00:00:00 dependencies playframework java

我在迁移到 Play 1.2 时有点迷失了.我们有一套定制我们应用程序中的模块.在 Play 1.1.1 中,我们使用了这种结构:

I'm a bit lost in a migration to Play 1.2. We have a set of custom modules in our application. In Play 1.1.1 we used this structure:

  /main app

并且 application.conf 将模块引用为相对路径 (../模块1)

And application.conf referenced the modules as a relative path (../ module1)

如何在 Play 1.2 中做同样的事情?我知道我应该使用dependencies.yml 文件,但在官方文档.

How can I do the same in Play 1.2? I see I should use the dependencies.yml file, but can't find any information on this topic in the official documentation.


Google Group 中有很多混杂的信息,但是这篇文章解决了问题.

There is a lot of mixed information in the Google Group, but this post solved the issues.

我将其复制到此处,以供在 SO 中搜索此问题的人们将来参考:

I copy it here to provide future reference for people searching this issue in SO:


Ok, using the latest from master, here the needed dependencies.yml with comments inline:

# Application dependencies

# Notes:
#   play is an alias for play -> play $currentVersion
#   play -> crud is an alias for play -> crud $currentVersion
#   play -> secure is an alias for play -> secure $currentVersion
#   Modules from the main repository use 'play' as organisation

    - play
    - play -> crud
    - play -> secure
    - play -> recaptcha 1.02
    - play -> greenscript 1.2b
    - crionics -> cms 1.0
    - ugot -> widgets 1.0
    - org.markdownj -> markdownj 0.3.0-1.0.2b4


    - Scala Tools:
        type:       iBiblio
            - org.markdownj

    - My modules:
        type:       local
        artifact:   /somewhere/on/your/disk/[organisation]/[module]-[revision]

        # This folder must contain
        # /somewhere/on/your/disk/crionics/cms-1.0
        # /somewhere/on/your/disk/ugot/widgets-1.0

            - ugot
            - crionics 

注意:请注意,如果您在本地存储库设置中出现问题,则在运行 play deps 时可能会(完全!)删除您的项目.是的,它发生在我身上:(

NOTE: be aware that if you do something wrong with the local repository settings you risk deleting your project (completely!) when running play deps . Yes, it happened to me :(


要将信息提供给非play google group订阅的其他人,要找到此类信息,请继续play google group 并搜索模块+本地",你应该找到一些线索...

To give the information to other people who are not subscribers of the play google group, to find such information, go on play google group and search "module + local", you should find some clue...
