Eclipse - 如何在项目之间赋予依赖关系?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 dependencies eclipse

我在 Eclipse 中有两个 java 项目.第二个是使用第一个的罐子.当我尝试从第二个班级导航到第一个班级时,它会打开该文件的 .class .但我想打开第一个项目文件.请帮忙.

I have two java projects in eclipse. Second one is using first one's jar. When I try to navigate to first one's class from second one, it opens .class of that file. But I want to open the first one project file. Please help.



如果您想将您的第二个项目与您的第一个项目链接,请不要将第一个项目以 JAR 文件的形式添加到第二个项目.

If you want to link your second project with your first project, don't add the first project in form of a JAR file to the second.

打开第二个项目的项目属性并选择Java Build Path".在Projects"选项卡的右侧,您可以将您的第一个项目添加为构建路径上的必需项目".

Instead open the project properties of the second project and select "Java Build Path". On the right side on the "Projects" tab you can add your first project as "required project on the build path".

项目 1 的类文件现在已添加到项目 2 的类路径中.如果单击类名,您将直接进入源代码.

The class files of project 1 are now added to the class path of project 2. And if you click on a class name you directly get to the source code.
