如何与偏好属性 android:dependency 相反?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 xml dependencies android java preferences

是否有与 android:dependency 完全相反的 XML 属性?

Is there XML attribute that does the exact opposite of android:dependency?


What I would like the dependent preference to be enabled when the other is NOT checked and disabled when it IS checked.

edit:也许问题不在于 android:dependency 也许我可以添加一个 xml 属性以禁用该首选项的默认值,然后 android:dependencycode> 将按照我想要的相反方式切换它.

edit: maybe the issue isn't with android:dependency maybe there is an xml attribute that I can add to make the default for that preference disabled and then android:dependency will toggle it the opposite way like i want.

再次我尝试在首选项中设置 android:enabled="false" 并像我想要的那样禁用它,但即使它依赖于其他首选项它也没有像我希望的那样启用它

edit again: I tried setting android:enabled="false" in the preference and it disables it like i want but even with it being dependent on the other preference it didn't enable it like i had hoped



Actually found it on my own and figured I'd just post it here to help anyone that might have this same issue:


