Java 类和方法的依赖关系图

2022-01-15 00:00:00 dependencies java analyzer

我有一个 Java 项目,我已经从事了一段时间.设计开始时还不错,但随着更改的进行而逐渐退化.我正在寻找某种可以分析项目的工具.拥有一张不同类/方法的依赖关系图真是太好了.我觉得某些方法只是为了实现一个非常具体的目标.我想消除不必要的代码,让我的设计更好.

I have a Java project that I've been working on for a while. The design started out pretty good but slowly degraded as changes were made. I'm looking for some sort of tool that will analyze the project. It'd be really nice to have a map of the dependencies of different classes/methods. I feel like certain methods are only in there to fulfill a very specific goal. I'd like to eliminate unnecessary code and make my design better.


Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!


您可能需要查看 JDepend.它是专门为解决您面临的问题而开发的.

You may want to check out JDepend. It was specifically developed to solve the problem you are facing.

作为一名顾问,我很容易陷入庞大的遗留代码库中.通常,我做的第一件事是在其上运行 JDepend 以尝试了解我对代码库的影响以及所有依赖项.

Working as a consultant it is very common for me to be thrown in to a huge legacy code base. Typically the first thing I do is run JDepend on it to try to get my bearing on the code base and all of the dependencies.

