Maven 私有依赖

2022-01-15 00:00:00 dependencies java maven build-process


Is there a way to specify private dependency for a project that will not be visible to others?

我想要达到的效果与排除功能非常相似,但略有不同 - 用户根本不应该意识到这种依赖关系,因此不必明确使用此排除.

What I'm trying to achieve is pretty much similar to what exclusion does, but with one slight difference - user should not be aware of that dependency at all and, thus, won't have to use this exclusion explicitly.


And if this is not possible (which, most likely, is true), then is there any particular reason why?


可选的依赖听起来像你想要的.将依赖项标记为 optional 并且您将在构建时拥有它,但用户不会自动将该库包含为传递依赖项.

Optional dependencies sound like what you want. Mark a dependency as optional and you'll have it when you build, but users won't automatically have that library included as a transitive dependency.

参见 Maven - 可选依赖和依赖排除 了解更多详情.

See Maven - Optional Dependencies and Dependency Exclusions for more details.

'provided' 在这里并不是理想的解决方案;这意味着需要一个依赖项,但是它将由您的工件的任何用户提供.'optional' 表示依赖项仅对某些功能是必需的.

'provided' is not the ideal solution here; that means that a dependency is required, but that it will be provided by any user of your artifact. 'optional' means that the dependency is only required for some functionality.
