Eclipse、adb 和 ddms 未检测到 Android 模拟器

2022-01-15 00:00:00 adb android android-emulator eclipse ddms

我想尝试编写android设备,所以我按照android网站的指示安装了sdk、java sdk和eclipse.我的电脑是 Windows 7 64 位,但我安装了 32 位 Java SDK 和 Eclipse,因为听说 64 位版本存在问题.

I wanted to try my hand at programming android devices, so I followed the directions from the android website, installed the sdk, the java sdk, and eclipse. My computer is Windows 7 64-Bit, but I have the 32-bit Java SDK and Eclipse installed since hearing that there are issues with the 64-bit versions.

我正在运行最新版本的 Android sdk,4.0 R15.

I am running the most recent version of the Android sdk, 4.0 R15.

我相信遵循了所有的安装说明,但是当我加载一个示例(在这种情况下为 Lunar Lander)时,它会加载模拟器,但不会将应用程序安装到它.当我使用adb devices"时,ADB 没有显示列出的模拟器,eclipse 中的 DDMS 透视图也没有检测到任何设备.在模拟器中,我已经激活了开发人员区域中的 USB 调试设置.

I believe followed all of the instructions for installation, but when I load up a sample (Lunar Lander in this case), it loads the emulator, but will not install the app to it. ADB does not show the emulator listed when I use "adb devices", the DDMS perspective in eclipse does not detect any device either. In the emulator I have activated the USB debug setting in the developer area.


I have tried restarting the adb server, and have reinstalled a few times.

我什至抄袭了一个人在 youtube 教程中为 hello world 程序所做的事情,但它仍然无法加载到设备上.

I even copied what one guy did on a youtube tutorial for a hello world program, and it still would not load to the device.

有人知道如何让模拟器和 Eclipse 对话,这样我就可以实际运行和调试程序了吗?

Does anybody have any idea how to get the emulator and eclipse talking so I can actually run and debug programs?


尝试adb kill-server,然后执行类似adb devices的adb命令,会再次启动adb.

Try to adb kill-server and then do adb command like adb devices which will start adb again.

