在 DDMS (Android) 中更改文件权限

2022-01-15 00:00:00 android android-emulator java ddms


I'm trying to test the behavior of my application when it cannot access some files due to missing permissions.

是否可以在 DDMS 透视图中使用 FileExplorer 更改 Android 模拟器上的文件/文件夹权限?

Is it possible to change file/folder permissions on an android emulator using FileExplorer in DDMS perspective?


要更改模拟器中的权限,您需要使用您的 adroid-sdk 平台工具中的 adb shell 命令.在 android shell 中,您可以输入命令 su 以获取 root 访问权限.现在您可以使用普通的 unix 命令 chmod

To change permissions in the emulator you need to use the adb shell command from your adroid-sdk platform-tools. In the android shell you can enter the command su to get root access. Now you can see and change the permissions with the normal unix commands chmod


Note, that the system folder in Android is mounted read-only. You would have to remout it read-write after this tutorial:


无论如何都要小心,仅将 /datasdcard 等可写文件系统用于您的应用程序数据,因为使用受限文件夹可能会在生产环境中产生负面影响!

Be careful in anyway to use only writable filesystems like /data or sdcardfor your application data since using restricted folders can have negative side effects in a productive environment!
