Android Emulator 启动但 Eclipse 无法识别

2022-01-15 00:00:00 android android-emulator avd eclipse

作为一般规则,一切正常,但有时 Eclipse 或我的 Android 模拟器决定成为一个混蛋并拒绝工作.

As a general rule, everything works fine, but then sometimes either Eclipse or my Android emulator decides to be a jerk and refuses to work.

我在 Eclipse 中打开 AVD 管理器.我选择我想要的 AVD,然后单击开始.模拟器启动并经历了漫长的引导过程.它终于完成了启动,然后由于某种原因,它立即重新启动并再次经历了漫长的启动过程.一旦它第二次启动,Eclipse 就会失去对它的跟踪.它不再在设备"选项卡中列出,我无法安装我的应用程序或在该模拟器上运行它.如果我杀死模拟器并尝试重新启动它,那么我会得到完全相同的行为.这令人难以置信的沮丧.

I open the AVD Manager in Eclipse. I choose which AVD I want and click Start. The emulator starts up and it goes through the loooong process of booting. It finally finishes booting and then for some reason, it immediately reboots and goes through the looong process of booting again. Once it boots the second time, Eclipse loses track of it. It is no longer lists in the Devices tab and I can't install my app or run it on that emulator. If I kill the emulator and try to start it over, then I get the exact same behavior. It's incredibly frustrating.


There are no messages happening in the console to explain the behavior. Any idea why this is happening?


这是 adb 在模拟器之前启动时的已知问题.我不知道真正的原因,但一个快速的解决方法是在命令提示符下重新启动 adb(在模拟器运行的情况下)

That's a known issue when adb starts before the emulator. I don't know the real reason, but a quick workaround is to restart adb in the command prompt (with the emulator running)

> adb kill-server
> adb start-server


> adb devices

将返回模拟器,Eclipse 将能够安装应用程序.

will return the emulator and Eclipse will be able to install the app.
