Dynamo DB 中的自动递增计数器

我正在尝试为 dynamo db 中的哈希键实现自动增量计数器,但我的代码在并发事务中失败.任何帮助实现该功能将不胜感激.我是堆栈溢出的新手,可能无法正确指定它.任何实现都会有所帮助.

I am trying to implement the auto -increment counter for hash key in dynamo db and my code fails for concurrent transactions. any help to implement the feature will be appreciated. I am new to stack over flow might be not able to specify it correctly. Any implementation will be helpful.


您有两个选择,使用 dynamo db 原子计数器或在递增计数器时使用乐观锁定.

You have two options, using dynamo db atomic counters or using optimistic locking at the time of incrementing the counter.


