使用 android 模拟器发送和接收文本

2022-01-15 00:00:00 sms android android-emulator eclipse


I'm currently developing android application which includes text messaging. Is it possible to send and receive text messages just by using android emulator? If yes, how can I do it?



  • 打开控制台
  • 通过 telnet 连接到正在运行的模拟器:telnet localhost 5554(您可以在模拟器的标题中找到端口号)
  • 输入:sms send senderPhoneNumber textmessage
  • open a console
  • connect via telnet to the running emulator: telnet localhost 5554 (you can find the portnumber in the title of the emulator)
  • type this: sms send senderPhoneNumber textmessage
