哪个 Android IDE 更好——Android Studio 还是 Eclipse?

我开始为 Android 开发.我应该使用哪个 IDE - Android Studio 或 Eclipse sdk?我想知道哪个更好.

I'm starting to develop for Android. Which IDE should I use - Android Studio or Eclipse sdk? I would like to know which one is better.


使用 Eclipse 有时会很困难,可能是在调试和设计布局时 Eclipse 有时会卡住,我们必须不时重新启动 Eclipse.你也会遇到模拟器问题.

Working with Eclipse can be difficult at times, probably when debugging and designing layouts Eclipse sometimes get stuck and we have to restart Eclipse from time to time. Also you get problems with emulators.

Android Studio 是最近发布的,开发人员尚未大量使用此 IDE.因此,它可能包含某些错误.

Android studio was released very recently and this IDE is not yet heavily used by developers. Therefore, it may contain certain bugs.

这里描述了android android studio和eclipse项目结构的区别:Android Studio 项目结构(与 Eclipse 项目结构)

This describes the difference between android android studio and eclipse project structure: Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure)

这里教你如何使用android studio:http://www.infinum.co/the-capsized-eight/articles/android-studio-vs-eclipse-1-0

This teaches you how to use the android studio: http://www.infinum.co/the-capsized-eight/articles/android-studio-vs-eclipse-1-0
