Chrome 由自动化测试软件控制

我正在使用 Serenity BDD (Selenium) 在 Chrome 中运行自动化测试.

I am running automated tests in Chrome with Serenity BDD (Selenium).

我必须下载新的 ChromeDriver,因为我的测试无法运行 -> 测试会打开 ChromeDriver,但无法以用户身份浏览".当我用谷歌搜索这个问题时,他们说我必须更新 ChromeDriver.

I had to download a new ChromeDriver, because my tests could not run -> The test would open ChromeDriver but could not "Browse as user". When I googled the issue, they said I had to update ChromeDriver.

所以我将 ChromeDriver 更新到 2.28 版,并将 Chrome 版本更新到 57.0.2987.98 版.

So I updated ChromeDriver to version 2.28 and I also updated the Chrome version to Version 57.0.2987.98.

但是现在 - 每次我运行测试时都会出现这个烦人的文本:

But now - EVERY TIME I run my tests this annoying text comes up:

Chrome 由自动化测试软件控制

Chrome is being controlled by automated test software


And it asks me if I want to save password. (I can't add pictures because I don't have enough "points")


In the previous version, I had managed to block these 2 things by:

public class CustomChromeDriver implements DriverSource {

    public WebDriver newDriver() {
        try {
            DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;
            Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
            String proxyServer = String.format("AProxyIDontWantToDisplay", System.getenv("proxy.username"), System.getenv("proxy.password"));
            capabilities.setCapability("proxy", proxy);
            ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
            capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options);
            ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities);
            return driver;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Error(e);

    public boolean takesScreenshots() {
        return true;


I know there is this one (A link to same issue), but there are too many answers that don't work.




Add this to the options you pass to the driver:

