在 Solr 上更喜欢 Apache Lucene 的情况?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 search lucene solr solrj java

使用 Solr 1.4 有几个优点(开箱即用的分面搜索、分组、复制、http 管理与卢克……).

There are several advantages to use Solr 1.4 (out-of-the-box facetting search, grouping, replication, http administration vs. luke, ...).

即使我在我的 Java 应用程序中嵌入了搜索功能,我也可以使用 SolrJ 来避免使用 Solr 时的 HTTP 权衡.是否推荐 SolrJ?

Even if I embed a search-functionality in my Java application I could use SolrJ to avoid the HTTP trade-off when using Solr. Is SolrJ recommended at all?

那么,您建议什么时候使用纯 Lucene"?它是否具有更好的性能或需要更少的 RAM?单元测试更好吗?

So, when would you recommend to use "pure-Lucene"? Does it have a better performance or requires less RAM? Is it better unit-testable?



如果你有一个 Web 应用程序,请使用 Solr - 我已经尝试将两者集成,Solr 更容易.否则,如果您不需要 Solr 的功能(想到的最重要的是分面搜索),请使用 Lucene.

If you have a web application, use Solr - I've tried integrating both, and Solr is easier. Otherwise, if you don't need Solr's features (the one that comes to mind as being most important is faceted search), then use Lucene.
