Solr:如何动态提升有限数量的文档?QueryElevationComponent 是否需要修改?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 lucene solr java elevation


my requirement is to elevate a limited number of (e.g. five) documents for a user request.


What I've got is a single document field which stores a numerical value similar to a boosting value which represents an elevator ranking value.

因此,用户查询将返回电梯排名值最高的 5 个文档,其余文档按常规顺序填充页面.

So a user query would return 5 documents with the highest elevator ranking value and the remaining documents to fill a page in regular order.


QueryElevationComponent 只允许static 查询定义.提升不允许提升特殊电梯排名字段的有限数量文档.

The QueryElevationComponent does only allow static query definitions. Boosting does not allow to boost a limited number of documents for the special elevator ranking field.

我必须编写修改后的 QueryElevationComponent 吗?如果是,有没有好的示例如何做到这一点?

Do I have to write a modified QueryElevationComponent? If yes, are there good examples how to do that?


Or does another approach exists, I didnt catched up?


Thank you for any hints or ideas!



Found a solution using two separate requests.

首先按该分数字段提升文档.使用分页来限制结果.从结果页面中获取唯一的文档 ID,并在新请求中显式提升这些 ID.

First boost documents by that score field. Use pagination to limit the result. Take the unique document ids from the result page and boost these ones explicitly within a new request.
