
2022-01-15 00:00:00 lucene java hibernate-search

是否可以只对它的注释使用休眠搜索(bean => 文档/文档 => bean 映射),而根本不使用数据库?如果是这样,是否有任何在线示例基本上显示了如何设置?

Is it possible to use hibernate-search only for it's annotations (bean => document/document => bean mapping), without using a database at all? If so, are there any online samples that show basically how to set this up?


I found the following: http://mojodna.net/2006/10/02/searchable-annotation-driven-indexing-and-searching-with-lucene.html, but I'd prefer hibernate-search if it supports my use case.


我不认为这是可能的,因为当您启用 Hibernate 搜索时,您将在实体上启用它,并且该实体具有对表和搜索索引的引用.

I don't think that's possible because when you enable Hibernate search you are enabling that on a Entity and that Entity has references to the table and the search index.
