Java 或 C# 中的事件/委托

2022-01-15 00:00:00 delegates event-handling c# java


I've been trying to learn about events/delegates, but am confused about the relationship between the two. I know that delegates allow you to invoke different functions without needing to know what particular function is being invoked. (eg: a graphing function needs to accept inputs that are different functions to be graphed).


But I don't see how delegates are used in Events.

有人可以构建一个简单的示例(在伪代码、C# 或 Java 中)来说明与事件相关的委托的工作原理吗?

Can someone construct a simple example (in pseudocode or C# or Java) that illustrates the workings of Delegates as related to Events?



(这都是从 C# 的角度来看的.)

(This is all from a C# perspective.)


I have an article about the differences between events and delegates. That covers everything mentioned below in a lot more detail.

基本上,我喜欢将事件视为一个属性——它是一对方法,仅此而已.一个事件不是 get/set,而是 add/remove——意思是添加这个事件处理程序"和删除这个事件处理程序".从本质上讲,这就是一个事件.

Basically I like to think of an event as being like a property - it's a pair of methods, that's all. Instead of get/set, an event has add/remove - meaning "add this event handler" and "remove this event handler". At the core, that's all an event is.

C# 也有 field-like events 这是一个快捷方式:

C# also has field-like events which are a shortcut:

 public event EventHandler Foo;

声明一个字段和一个事件,几乎是微不足道的添加/删除实现.在类中,引用 Foo 是指字段.在类之外,引用 Foo 是指事件.

declares both a field and an event, with a nearly trivial add/remove implementation. Within the class, referring to Foo refers to the field. Outside the class, referring to Foo refers to the event.

基本思想是事件允许其他代码订阅和取消订阅,方法是传入一个委托(事件处理程序).通常,订阅是通过创建一个新的多播委托来实现的,该委托包含上一个事件处理程序列表和新的.因此,如果您将事件处理程序存储在名为 myEventHandlers 的字段中,订阅实现可能是:

The basic idea is that an event allows other code to subscribe to and unsubscribe from it, by passing in a delegate (the event handler). Usually, subscription is implemented by creating a new multicast delegate containing the previous list of event handlers and the new one. So if you're storing the event handlers in a field called myEventHandlers, the subscription implementation might be:

myEventHandlers += value;


Similarly unsubscription usually involves creating a new multicast delegate without the specified handler:

myEventHandlers -= value;

然后,当您想要引发/触发事件时,您只需调用该多播委托 - 通常使用无效检查以避免在没有人订阅时引发异常:

Then when you want to raise/fire the event, you just call that multicast delegate - usually with a nullity check to avoid an exception being thrown if no-one has subscribed:

EventHandler handler = myEventHandlers;
if (handler != null)
    // You could pass in a different "sender" and "args" of course
    handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);


Using events, the subscribers don't know about each other, and can't raise the event themselves (usually). In other words, it's a pattern of encapsulation, which has been given status within both the language and the platform.
