如何在不触发 Text Watcher 的情况下更改 EditText 文本?

我有一个带有 Customer Text Watcher 的 EditText 字段.在一段代码中,我需要使用 .setText("whatever").

I have an EditText field with a Customer Text Watcher on it. In a piece of code I need to change the value in the EditText which I do using .setText("whatever").

问题是,一旦我进行了更改,就会调用 afterTextChanged 方法,这会创建一个无限循环.如何在不触发 afterTextChanged 的​​情况下更改文本?

The problem is as soon as I make that change the afterTextChanged method gets called which created an infinite loop. How can I change the text without it triggering afterTextChanged?

我需要 afterTextChanged 方法中的文本,所以不建议删除 TextWatcher.

I need the text in the afterTextChanged method so don't suggest removing the TextWatcher.



You could unregister the watcher, and then re-register it.


Alternatively, you could set a flag so that your watcher knows when you have just changed the text yourself (and therefore should ignore it).
