我们可以使用 String.format() 用所需长度的字符填充/前缀吗?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 string format java

java.lang.String.format(String str, String str1)能否用于添加特定字符的前缀.

Can java.lang.String.format(String str, String str1) be used for adding prefix of a particular character.


I could do this for a number like:

int sendID = 202022;
String usiSuffix = String.format("%032d", sendID);

它生成一个长度为 32 并用 0 填充的 String:00000000000000000000000000202022

It makes a String of length 32 and leftpadded with 0s : 00000000000000000000000000202022

当 sendID 是 String 时如何实现相同的功能:

How to achieve the same thing when sendID is a String like:

String sendID = "AABB";




You can use this hackish way to get your output:

String sendID = "AABB";
String output = String.format("%0"+(32-sendID.length())+"d%s", 0, sendID);
