Squirrel SQL 在哪里存储其自动更正条目?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 db2 java squirrel-sql

我使用 Squirrel SQL 作为 DB2 for iSeries 的 goto SQL 编辑器,我喜欢的一个特性是自动更正.我在编辑器中输入快捷方式,例如 ssf,然后弹出select * from".

I use Squirrel SQL as my goto SQL editor for DB2 for iSeries, and one feature I love is the autocorrect. I enter shortcuts into the editor like ssf and "select * from" pops up.

我知道可以一次将条目添加到库中,但是如何一次添加多个条目?我知道这可能是对资源文件的深入编辑,我对 Java 很熟悉,可以进行编辑但找不到实际资源.

I know it's possible to add entries to the library one row at a time, but how can I add multiple entries at once? I understand it could be an in-depth editing of resource files, and I'm comfortable enough with Java to make the edit but not find the actual resource.

书签功能不适合我的需要,它仍然不允许我输入我想添加的 140 多个自动更正.

The bookmarks feature doesn't suit my needs for this, and it still wouldn't allow me to enter the 140+ autocorrections I want to add.



I found it--after digging through the class files, I found the file they referred to an xml stored at .squirrel-sqlpluginssyntaxautocorrectdata.xml


That saves a ton of time. Now I can type a table name and it will auto-populate the table schema, table name, and the preferred correlation.
