java DateTimeFormatterBuilder 在测试时间失败

2022-01-15 00:00:00 format java junit java-time

我对 DateTimeFormatterBuilder 有一个简单的 jUnit 测试.在运行时,当 Spring-MVC 处理程序 (@RequestParam)

I have a simple jUnit test for DateTimeFormatterBuilder. At runtime it works, when some String comes on Spring-MVC hanlder (@RequestParam)

在测试时它以相同的 String 值失败.

At testtime it fails with the same String value.

测试值:25-May-2018 11:10


public void getTimeDifference(@RequestParam String startDate, @RequestParam String endDate) {
    DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMAT = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().parseCaseInsensitive().appendPattern("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm").toFormatter();
    return   messages;


public void testFormat() throws Exception {
    final String startDateFormatA = "25-May-2018 11:10";
    final String endDateFormatA = "25-May-2018 11:10";
    assertEquals("06:00", callDbController.getTimeDifference(startDateFormatA, endDateFormatA)[1]);

我的测试:在运行时我设置一个断点并在 Display-View 上测试它:

My Test: At runtime I set a break-point and test it on Display-View:

LocalDateTime.parse("25-May-2018 11:10",DATE_TIME_FORMAT)

在测试时使用相同的 spring-aplication-context 我在运行时做同样的事情,但它失败了.

At testtime with the same spring-aplication-context I do the same like on runtime and it fails.




The month name is in English, so you'd better set a java.util.Locale in the formatter.

如果不设置,格式化程序将使用 JVM 默认语言环境.而且如果不是英文,可能会报错(而且不同的环境可能有不同的配置,所以最好设置locale而不是依赖JVM的默认值).

If you don't set it, the formatter will use the JVM default locale. And if it's not English, you might get an error (and different environments might have different configurations, so it's better to set the locale instead of relying on the JVM's default).

只需执行 toFormatter(Locale.ENGLISH) 而不是 toFormatter() 即可.

Just do toFormatter(Locale.ENGLISH) instead of just toFormatter() and that's it.
