如何获取 SQL 连接的默认模式?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 sql db2 java h2

从 java 代码中 - 我已经连接到数据库 - 我需要找到连接的默认模式.

From within a java code - where I already have a connection to a database - I need to find the default schema of the connection.


I have the following code that gives me a list of all schemas of that connection.

rs  = transactionManager.getDataSource().getConnection().getMetaData().getSchemas();
while (rs.next()) {
    log.debug("The schema is {} and the catalogue is {} ", rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2));


However, I don't want the list of all the schemas. I need the default schema of this connection.


注意 1:我在 Windows7(开发盒)和 Linux Redhat(生产盒)上使用 H2 和 DB2

Note1: I am using H2 and DB2 on Windows7 (dev box) and Linux Redhat (production box)

注2:我最终得出结论,使用Java 中的Connections 对象无法使用相同的代码找到H2 和DB2 的默认模式.我用配置文件解决了这个问题.但是,如果有人可以分享解决方案,我可以回去重构代码.

Note2: I finally concluded that it was not possible to use the Connections object in Java to find the default schema of both H2 and DB2 using the same code. I fixed the problem with a configuration file. However, if someone can share a solution, I could go back and refactor the code.


请使用 connection.getMetaData().getURL() 方法,该方法返回类似字符串的方法

Please use connection.getMetaData().getURL() method which returns String like


我们可以轻松解析它并获取架构名称.它适用于所有 JDBC 驱动程序.

We can parse it easily and get the schema name. It works for all JDBC drivers.
