将网络位置保存为 .txt 文件(不使用 GPS)

2022-01-14 00:00:00 geolocation android java

我是安卓编程的初学者.我的研究生项目是关于跟踪移动设备的,我需要将位置(不使用 GPS)保存为文本文件的代码.有人建议我这样做的代码.这对我有很大的帮助.

I am a beginner in android programming. My Graduate project is about tracking a mobile device and i need the code to save the location( Without using GPS) as a text file. Someone suggest me the codes for doing that. It will be a great help for me.



locationManagerNetwork = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    Location location2 = locationManagerNetwork

     if (location2 != null) {       
                String message = String
                        .format("Yout location : 
 Longitude: %1$s 
 Latitude: %2$s",
                                location2.getLongitude(), location2.getLatitude());
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

    //use here file writer if you want to write the coordinates in a text file


用于写入 sd 卡

for writing sd card

File sdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
        File f = new File(sdcard, "/yourfile");

//Use outwriter here, outputstream search how to write into a file in java code 
