将 window tester 与 eclipse 集成以测试 UI

我们计划使用窗口测试器自动测试我的 Eclipse 应用程序 GUI.日食的版本是氧气.

We are planning to automate testing of my eclipse application GUI using window tester. Version of eclipse is oxygen.

请告诉我如何将窗口测试器与 Eclipse 应用程序集成.我在 Eclipse 市场中没有看到任何窗口测试器插件.如果没有,我可以使用哪个 GUI 测试框架来测试我的 Eclipse 应用程序.

Please inform me how to integrate window tester with eclipse application. I do not see any window tester plugin in eclipse market place. If not, Which GUI testing framework can i use to test my eclipse application.




I have personally used first two types of the frameworks:

  1. SWTBot
  2. RCPTT
  3. 朱布拉
  4. RedDeer

RCPTT 专注于为 RCP/SWT 应用程序创建和运行 UI/系统测试.它是开源项目 SWTBotJubula 的替代或补充.它们都有各自的优缺点,RCPTT 使用的方法与 SWTBotJubula 截然不同.

RCPTT is focused on creating and running UI/System test for RCP/SWT applications. It is an alternative or addition to the open source projects SWTBot or Jubula. All of them have their specific advantages and disadvantages, RCPTT uses a very different approach than that of SWTBot or Jubula.

SWTBot 是编写测试时使用的 Java API(可以是 JUnit,TestNG...),这使得 Java 开发人员非常容易使用.

SWTBot is a Java API to consume while writing tests (can be JUnit, TestNG...), which makes it very easy to use for Java developers.

Jubula 有自己的基于 XML 的语言来编写测试.也使用嵌入式数据库,因此在内部与其他数据库最不同.

Jubula has its own XML-based languages to write tests. Аlso uses an embedded database and thus differs internally most from the others.

RCPTT 使用 Eclipse 命令语言编写测试.

感谢 @howlger 的帮助.
