如何在 Intellij 中运行单个黄瓜场景?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 testing automated-tests cucumber java

我有一个简单的问题 - 我想运行一个 Cucumber 场景,但我似乎找不到任何选项/配置.

I have a simple problem - I want to run a single Cucumber scenario, but I can't seem to find any option/configuration for that.

我有 5-6 个场景,我可以设置配置来运行所有测试,但是当我纠正一个场景时,这需要太多时间......

I have 5-6 scenarios and I can set up configurations to run all tests, but It takes too much time, when I am correcting one scenario...



Tag the feature file with any name, you may add multiple tags separated with spaces.

例如:@acceptance @regression

现在,通过编辑配置在 VM 选项末尾添加以下选项

Now, add below options in the end of VM otions by editing configuration

-Dcucumber.options="--tags @acceptance"

运行测试,它只会触发带有 @acceptance

Run the test and it will only trigger the feature files tagged with @acceptance


You can either set the configuration one for acceptance and one for regression or edit the configuration everytime you run it.
