我们如何测试我们的 Java UI?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 automated-tests java

我们正在寻找记录和播放类型测试工具来自动化我们的一些 UI 功能测试.我们已经查看了从 Silke 到 QTP 的大多数常见嫌疑人,但没有一个有效.当需要右键单击以从右键单击菜单中选择某些内容时,或者当您必须在网格的下拉列表中选择一个值时,它们都会崩溃.

We're looking at record and playback type test tools to automate some of our UI functional testing. We've looked at most of the usual suspects from Silke to QTP and none of them work. They all fall over when a right click is required to select something off a right click menu, or when you have to choose a value in a drop down list in a grid.

有没有人知道可以处理这种类型的 UI 的任何工具?

Does anyone know any tools that can handle this type of UI?


我们在 方面取得了很好的经验压扁.您可以通过 ID 识别 UI 元素或记录鼠标操作.

We have made good experiences with Squish. You can identify UI elements by IDs or record mouse actions.
