
2022-01-14 00:00:00 geospatial geolocation java geotools

寻找 java 实用程序.如果你能告诉我如何使用geotools库来做就更好了.

Looking for a java utility. It is even better if you can tell me how to do it using geotools library.



By "Decimal coordinates" do you mean latitude and longitude (also known as the decimal degree)? If so, what you're trying to do is pretty easy:

给定一个 DMS(度、分、秒)坐标,例如 W87°43′41″,使用以下方法:计算总秒数,43′41″ = (43*60 + 41) = 2621 秒.小数部分是总秒数乘以 3600.2621/3600 = ~0.728056 将分数度数加到整数上产生最终结果的度数:87 + 0.728056 = 87.728056

Given a DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) coordinate such as W87°43′41″, it's trivial to convert it to a number of decimal degrees using the following method: Calculate the total number of seconds, 43′41″ = (43*60 + 41) = 2621 seconds. The fractional part is total number of seconds divided by 3600. 2621 / 3600 = ~0.728056 Add fractional degrees to whole degrees to produce the final result: 87 + 0.728056 = 87.728056


Since it is a West longitude coordinate, negate the result. The final result is -87.728056.

来自 维基百科.这是一个 Javascript 小部件,它做同样的事情.

From Wikipedia. Here's a Javascript widget that does the same thing.
