弹出窗口上的 EditText

我正在使用 Java 在 Android 2.2 上进行开发.我在 PopupWindow 上放置了一个 editText,但它不起作用.它就像一个禁用的编辑文本,点击编辑文本不会显示软键盘.如何在弹出窗口上添加编辑文本?

I am developing on Android 2.2 using Java. I put an editText on a PopupWindow and it's not working. It acts like a disabled edit text, clicking on the edit text won't show the soft keyboard. How can I add an edit text on a popupWindow?


我已经解决了这样的问题:我把 popupWindow.setFocusable(true); 现在它正在工作.似乎弹出窗口上的编辑文本没有焦点,因为弹出窗口没有焦点.

I have resolved the problem like this: I put the popupWindow.setFocusable(true); and now it's working. It seems that the edit text which was on a pop window didn't have focus because the popup window didn't have focus.
