android 中 findViewById() 上的 NullPointerException

在下面的代码中,我在第 9/10 行使用 findViewById() 得到 NullPointerException.
在我的主类中,我只是从这个类中实例化了一个对象,以使用 .getFrom()

In the following code i get a NullPointerException on lines 9/10 with findViewById().
In my main class I just instantiated an object from this class, to use .getFrom()

public class UserInteraction extends Activity {
EditText etFrom;
int from;
EditText etTill;
int till;

public UserInteraction(){
    etFrom = (EditText)findViewById(;
    etTill = (EditText)findViewById(;

public int getFrom() {
    String s = etFrom.getText().toString();
    int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
    return i;

public int getTill() {
    String s = etTill.getText().toString();
    int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
    return i;

是不是我的主类中设置了 contentView ..?可能是什么原因?

Is it that the contentView is set in my main class ..? What could be the cause ?


setContentView 方法应该在调用 findViewById 之前以适当的布局调用之前.它通常在 onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) 方法中调用.

The setContentView method should be called with appropriate layout before calling findViewById. It is usually called in onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) method.
