
2022-01-14 00:00:00 geometry math java

如何在 Java 中计算两个角度测量值的差异(以度为单位),使结果在 [0°, 180°] 范围内?

How can I calculate the difference of two angle measures (given in degrees) in Java so the result is in the range [0°, 180°]?


350° to 15° = 25°
250° to 190° = 60°


     * Shortest distance (angular) between two angles.
     * It will be in range [0, 180].
    public static int distance(int alpha, int beta) {
        int phi = Math.abs(beta - alpha) % 360;       // This is either the distance or 360 - distance
        int distance = phi > 180 ? 360 - phi : phi;
        return distance;
