Android:不知道如何使用 setImeActionLabel

2022-01-14 00:00:00 android java android-edittext


What I want to do is change the default "Done" label that appears in the virtual keyboard. Here's what I've tried without any luck:

mSearchInput.setImeActionLabel(getString(R.string.search_action_label), EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE);


I am able, however, to handle a click on that button, with this:

mSearchInput.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {
    public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {
        if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) {
            return true;
        return false;


I'm clueless as to how I can change the label on that button at the moment.


imeActionLabel 设置全屏 IME 模式(即当您的手机在在风景中).如果要更改键盘右下角的按钮,可以将某些标志传递给 imeOptions.

The imeActionLabel sets the label for the button that appears on the top right on full screen IME mode (i.e., when your phone is in landscape). If you want to change the button to the bottom right of the keyboard, you can pass certain flags to imeOptions.

据我所知,对于该按钮,您仅限于一组特定的操作(请参阅 here 获取支持的标志的完整列表),但是由于您似乎想要一个搜索按钮,您所要做的就是稍微调整您的第一行并使用 IME_ACTION_SEARCH:

As far as I know, for that button you're limited to a certain set of actions (see here for a full list of supported flags), but since you seem to want a search button, all you have to do is to slightly adjust your first line and use IME_ACTION_SEARCH:


请注意,该按钮的确切外观将取决于输入法.默认的 Android 键盘显示搜索标志的放大镜,而 Touch Input(HTC 的键盘)似乎完全不知道该标志,仍然显示返回按钮.

Mind you, the exact appearance of that button will depend on the input method. The default Android keyboard shows a magnifier for the search flag, while the Touch Input (HTC's keyboard) seems completely unaware of that flag, still showing a return button.
