
2022-01-14 00:00:00 comparison int double java primitive-types
Utilities.getDistance(uni, enemyuni) <= uni.getAttackRange()

Utilities.getDistance 返回 double 并且 getAttackRange 返回 int.上面的代码是 if 语句的一部分,它必须是真的.那么比较有效吗?

Utilities.getDistance returns double and getAttackRange returns int. The above code is part of an if statement and it needs to be true. So is the comparison valid?



是的,它是有效的 - 它会在执行比较之前将 int 提升为 double.

Yes, it's valid - it will promote the int to a double before performing the comparison.

请参阅 JLS 部分 15.20.1(数值比较运算符),链接到 JLS 第 5.6.2 节(二进制数字提升).


加宽原语转换(第 5.1.2 节)适用于转换以下规则中指定的一个或两个操作数:

Widening primitive conversion (§5.1.2) is applied to convert either or both operands as specified by the following rules:

  • 如果任一操作数是 double 类型,则另一个操作数将转换为 double.

  • If either operand is of type double, the other is converted to double.

