Mockito:如何存根 getter setter

2022-01-14 00:00:00 testing mockito java

我是 Mockito 的新手,我想知道如何存根获取/设置对.

I am kind of new to Mockito and I was wondering how I could stub a get/set pair.


public interface Dummy {
     public String getString();
     public void setString(String string);

如何使它们正常运行:如果在测试的某个地方调用 setString("something"); 我希望 getString() 返回something".这是可行的还是有更好的方法来处理这种情况?

How can I make them behave properly: if somewhere in a test I invoke setString("something"); I would like getString() to return "something". Is that feasable or is there a better way to handle such cases?


我还希望 getter 返回最近 setter 调用的结果.

I also wanted the getter to return the result of the recent setter-call.


class Dog
    private Sound sound;

    public Sound getSound() {
        return sound;
    public void setSound(Sound sound)   {
        this.sound = sound;

class Sound
    private String syllable;

    Sound(String syllable)  {
        this.syllable = syllable;

我使用以下方法将 setter 连接到 getter:

I used the following to connect the setter to the getter:

final Dog mockedDog = Mockito.mock(Dog.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
// connect getter and setter
