无法监视 HttpSession/Mockito

2022-01-14 00:00:00 unit-testing mockito java

我想在 Httpsession 上进行部分模拟,但为此我需要监视它而不是模拟它,而且如果没有已经模拟的请求对象,我就无法获得一个接口.

I want partial mocking on Httpsession but for that i need to spy it instead of mocking it , and it's a interface I can't get without request object which is already mocked.


换句话说,如果没有 HttpServletRequest 对象,如何获得 HttpSession 的对象.

In another word , how can I get a object of HttpSession without HttpServletRequest object.


有一个我想测试的 servlet,servlet 有会话并将loginBean"(包含登录的用户相关信息)放入会话中,我已经模拟并且工作正常,现在在 GUI 级别,有 2 个选项卡, DetailSet1 , detailsS​​et2 ,当你输入 DetailSet1 的数据时,它会保存在 session 中并执行一些业务逻辑,现在谈到 DetailsS​​et2 ,你已经在 session 中有 DetailSet1 ,所以它得到了它需要的一切,数据保存在 DB 中.不,很明显我必须模拟 HttpSession 因为我从容器外部运行单元案例,但是如果我也模拟这些数据,那么存储的数据也在 Httpsession 中,它违背了测试的目的.回到我开始的内容,我需要 Httpsession 对象来为我模拟的内容返回模拟数据,并且在其他情况下它应该像任何普通的 HttpSession 对象一样.就像,如果我做 session.setAttribute("name","Vivek) ,那么 session.getAttribute("name") 应该 return "Vivek" 之后,但在模拟对象的情况下它返回 null 为什么?因为我没有模拟 getAttribute("name") 的行为.如果我仍然无法做到,我真的很抱歉任何人都明白我的要求.

There is a servlet I want to test , servlet have session and puts "loginBean" (which contain loged in user related info) inside session, which I have mocked already and working fine , now IN GUI level , there are 2 tab , DetailSet1 , detailsSet2 , when you enter data of DetailSet1 , it get saved in session and also does some business logic , now it comes to DetailsSet2 , you already have DetailSet1 in session , so it got all it needs , data is saved in DB. No it's obvious I have to mock HttpSession because I am running unit cases from outside the container , but data which gets stored is also in Httpsession , if I mock those as well , it defeats the purpose of testing. back to what I started with , I need Httpsession object to return mocked data for what I have it mocked for and it is suppose to act like any normal HttpSession object for other cases. Like , if I do session.setAttribute("name","Vivek) , then session.getAttribute("name") should return "Vivek" after that , but in case of mocked object it return null why? because I haven't mocked behaviour for getAttribute("name"). I am really sorry if I am still can't make anyone understand what I am asking for.

简而言之,对 HttpSession 进行部分模拟.

In simple word Partial mocking on HttpSession.



ok I get it. you don't really have access to the real session object and you won't do any spy. you need your home-made mock (fake):

public class MockHttpSession implements HttpSession {
  Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

  public Object getAttribute(String name) {
    return map.get(name);

  public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) {
    map.put(name, value);

  // implement rest of the methods you will use


and then in your test you'll have:

when(request.getSession()).thenReturn(new MockHttpSession());
