Mockito thenReturn 返回相同的实例

2022-01-14 00:00:00 unit-testing mockito java

我在 Mockito 中有这个:

I have this in Mockito:

when(mockedMergeContext.createNewEntityOfType(IService.class)).thenReturn(new ServiceMock());

createNewEntityOfType 方法应该总是返回一个新的 ServiceMock 实例,但它会返回两次相同的引用.

The createNewEntityOfType method should always return a new ServiceMock instance but it returns twice the same reference.

为什么 thenReturn 方法没有返回新的 ServiceMock?

Why the thenReturn method doesn't return new ServiceMock?


thenReturn 方法将始终返回传递给它的内容.new Servicemock() 代码在调用 thenReturn 之前被执行.然后将创建的 ServiceMock 传递给 thenReturn.因此 thenReturn 具有 ServiceMock 的绝对实例,而不是创建机制.

The thenReturn method will always return what is passed to it. The code new Servicemock() is being executed prior to the call to thenReturn. The created ServiceMock is then being passed to thenReturn. Therefore thenReturn has a absolute instance of ServiceMock not a creation mechanism.

如果您需要提供新实例,请使用 thenAnswer

If you need to provide an new instance, use thenAnswer

  .thenAnswer(new Answer<IService>() {
     public IService answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
        return new ServiceMock();
