本机查询上的 Mockito NullPointerException

2022-01-14 00:00:00 mockito java


I am having a problem on my query object, it becomes null even though I stub it with a query mock object.. This is the code

Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(queryString, SomeRandom.class);

return query.getResultList(); //-->This is where I get the error, the query object is null.


Query query = mock(Query.class);
when(entityManager.createNativeQuery("", SomeRandom.class)).thenReturn(query);
List<SomeRandom> someList = requestDao.getSomeList(parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter);


这可能意味着您传递给模拟方法的匹配器之一不匹配.您传递了一个实际的 String 实例(空字符串),该实例在后台转换为 Equals 匹配器.只有当 queryString 也是空字符串时,您的示例才有效.

This probably means that one of the matchers that you passed to the mocked method did not match. You passed an actual String instance (the empty string), which is transformed under the hood into an Equals matcher. Your example would only work if queryString was the empty string as well.


This should match on any query string:

when(entityManager.createNativeQuery(anyString(), eq(SomeRandom.class)))


And this on some concrete String that you expect to be passed:

String expectedQueryString = "select 1";

when(entityManager.createNativeQuery(expectedQueryString, SomeRandom.class))


如果从 eq(SomeRandom.class) 更改为 any() 解决了问题,那么 eq(SomeRandom.class) 匹配器不匹配,这意味着 SomeRandom.class 实际上不是传递给模拟方法的内容.

If changing from eq(SomeRandom.class) to any() solved the problem, then the eq(SomeRandom.class) matcher did not match, which means SomeRandom.class was not what was in fact passed to the mocked method.
