为什么我无法在使用 Maven 的 Junit 测试运行中访问 src/test/resources?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 mockito java junit4


I am having a problems running the following code:


从 Junit @Before 方法中.

From within a Junit @Before method.

这是 Maven 构建其目标文件夹的方式吗?

Is this the way Maven builds out its target folder?


直接访问MainConfig.xml.src/test/resources 目录内容放置在您的 CLASSPATH 的根目录中.

Access MainConfig.xml directly. The src/test/resources directory contents are placed in the root of your CLASSPATH.


More precisely: contents of src/test/resources are copied into target/test-classes, so if you have the following project structure:

└── src
    └── test
        ├── java
        │   └── foo
        │       └── C.java
        └── resources
            ├── a.xml
            └── foo
                └── b.xml

它将产生以下测试 CLASSPATH 内容:

It will result with the following test CLASSPATH contents:

  • /foo/C.class
  • /a.xml
  • /foo/b.xml

要真正从 Java 源访问文件,请使用getClass().getResource("/MainConfig.xml").getFile().

To actually access the files from Java source, use getClass().getResource("/MainConfig.xml").getFile().
