Mockito 将模拟注入 Spy 对象

我正在为具有 2 级依赖注入的类编写测试用例.我对 1 级依赖注入对象使用 @Spy 注释,我想模拟第 2 级注入.但是,我在第二级不断收到空指针异常.有什么方法可以将模拟注入@Spy 对象?

I'm writing a test case for a Class which has a 2 level of dependency injection. I use @Spy annotation for the 1 level dependency injection object, and I would like to Mock the 2nd level of injection. However, I kept getting null pointer exception on the 2nd level. Is there any way that I inject the mock into the @Spy object?

public class CarTestCase{
    private Configuration configuration;

    private Engine engine;

    private Car car;

    public void test(){



public class Car{
    private Engine engine;

    public void drive(){

public class Engine{
    private Configuration configuration;

    public void start(){
        configuration.getProperties();   // null pointer exception



Mockito 不能执行如此棘手的注入,因为它不是一个注入框架.因此,您需要重构代码以使其更具可测试性.使用构造函数注入很容易做到:

Mockito cannot perform such a tricky injections as it's not an injection framework. So, you need to refactor your code to make it more testable. It's easy done by using constructor injection:

public class Engine{
    private Configuration configuration;

    public Engine(Configuration configuration) {
        this.configuration = configuration;

public class Car{
    private Engine engine;

    public Car(Engine engine) {
        this.engine = engine;


In this case you have to handle the mocking and injection manually:

public class CarTestCase{

    private Configuration configuration;

    private Engine engine;

    private Car car;

    public void setUp(){
        configuration = mock(Configuration.class);
        engine = spy(new Engine(configuration));
        car = new Car(engine);

    public void test(){


