多个级别的@Mock 和@InjectMocks

2022-01-14 00:00:00 mockito java

所以我知道在 Mockito 中,@InjectMocks 会通过 @Mock 的注解注入任何它可以注入的东西,但是如何处理这种情况呢?

So I understand that in Mockito @InjectMocks will inject anything that it can with the annotation of @Mock, but how to handle this scenario?

private MockObject1 mockObject1;

private MockObject2 mockObject2;

private SystemUnderTest systemUnderTest = new SystemUnderTest();

假设 MockObject2 有一个 MockObject1 类型的属性,而 SystemUnderTest 有一个 MockObject2 类型的属性.我想将 mockObject1 注入到 mockObject2 中,并将 mockObject2 注入到 systemUnderTest 中.

Imagine that MockObject2 has an attribute that is of type MockObject1, and SystemUnderTest has an attribute of type MockObject2. I would like to have mockObject1 injected into mockObject2, and mockObject2 injected into systemUnderTest.


Is this possible with annotations?


由于我在这里没有得到任何回复,所以我在 Mockito 论坛上提问.这是讨论的链接:https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mockito/hWwcI5UHFi0/讨论

Since I didn't get any response here I asked on the Mockito forums. Here is a link to the discussion: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mockito/hWwcI5UHFi0/discussion

总结答案,从技术上讲,这会破坏嘲笑的目的.您实际上应该只模拟 SystemUnderTest 类所需的对象.在本身就是模拟的对象中模拟事物是毫无意义的.

To summarize the answers, technically this would kind of defeat the purpose of mocking. You should really only mock the objects needed by the SystemUnderTest class. Mocking things within objects that are themselves mocks is kind of pointless.

如果你真的想这样做,@spy 可以提供帮助

If you really wanted to do it, @spy can help
