使用 Mockito 模拟方法行为时以任何顺序匹配列表
我有一个使用 Mockito 的测试,它有一个非常奇怪的行为:它在调试中工作,但在正常运行时失败.经过一番调查,我意识到这是因为我在模拟方法行为,传递要匹配的元素列表.但由于某种原因,列表中的顺序并不总是相同,因此它不匹配,并且我希望我的模拟返回的内容没有返回,因为 2 个列表不是等于"
I have a test using Mockito that has a very strange behavior : it works in debug but fails when running normally. After some investigation, I realized it's because I am mocking methods behavior, passing a list of elements to match. But for some reason, order in the list is not always the same so it doesn't match and what I expect my mock to return is not returned, because the 2 lists are not "equals"
when(mockStatusCalculatorService.calculateStatus(Arrays.asList(IN_PROGRESS, ABANDONNED,EXPIRED))).thenReturn(ConsolidatedStatus.EXPIRED);
In my case, order of elements to match doesn't matter. So how can I specify this when configuring my mock ?
这是一个单行.使用 Hamcrest containsInAnyOrder
This is a one-liner. Use the Hamcrest containsInAnyOrder
when(myMock.myMethod(argThat(containsInAnyOrder(IN_PROGRESS, ABANDONED, EXPIRED))))