Mockito - 注入模拟列表


public class Wrapper
    private List<Strategy> strategies;

    public String getName(String id)
    // the revelant part of this statement is that I would like to iterate over "strategies"
            .filter(strategy -> strategy.isApplicable(id))


public class StrategyA implements Strategy{...}

public class StrategyB implements Strategy{...}

我想使用 Mockito 为其创建一个测试.我写的测试如下:

I would like to create a Test for it using Mockito. I wrote the test as follows:

private Wrapper testedObject = new Wrapper ();

// I was hoping that this list will contain both strategies: strategyA and strategyB
private List<Strategy> strategies;

StrategyA strategyA;

StrategyB strategyB;

public void shouldReturnNameForGivenId()
{   // irrevelant code...

我在线收到 NullPointerException:

I am getting NullPointerException on line:

filter(strategy -> strategy.isApplicable(id))

,它表示策略"列表已初始化但为空.Mohito 有没有办法像 Spring 一样表现得一样?将所有实现接口策略"的实例自动添加到列表中?

, which states that the "strategies" list is initialized but is empty. Is there any way Mohito will behave in the same wasy as Spring? Adding automatically all instances implementing interface "Strategy" to the list?

顺便说一句,我在 Wrapper 类中没有任何设置器,如果可能的话,我想以这种方式保留它.

Btw I do not have any setters in Wrapper class and I would like to leave it in that way if possible.


Mockito 无法知道您想将某些东西放入 List strategies.

Mockito can not know that you want to put somthing in the List strategies.


You should rethink this an do something like this

private Wrapper testedObject = new Wrapper ();

private List<Strategy> mockedStrategies;

StrategyA strategyA;

StrategyB strategyB;

public void setup() throws Exception {
    mockedStrategies = Arrays.asList(strategyA, strategyB);
