Mockito's Matcher vs Hamcrest Matcher?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 mockito java hamcrest


That's going to be an easy one, but I cannot find the difference between them and which one to use, if I have both the lib's included in my classpath?


Hamcrest 匹配器方法返回 Matcher 并且 Mockito 匹配器返回 T.因此,例如:org.hamcrest.Matchers.any(Integer.class) 返回 org.hamcrest.Matcher 的实例,以及 org.mockito.Matchers.any(Integer.class)code> 返回 Integer 的一个实例.

Hamcrest matcher methods return Matcher<T> and Mockito matchers return T. So, for example: org.hamcrest.Matchers.any(Integer.class) returns an instance of org.hamcrest.Matcher<Integer>, and org.mockito.Matchers.any(Integer.class) returns an instance of Integer.

这意味着您只能在签名中需要 Matcher 对象时使用 Hamcrest 匹配器 - 通常是在 assertThat 调用中.在调用模拟对象的方法的地方设置期望或验证时,您可以使用 Mockito 匹配器.

That means that you can only use Hamcrest matchers when a Matcher<?> object is expected in the signature - typically, in assertThat calls. When setting up expectations or verifications where you are calling methods of the mock object, you use the Mockito matchers.


For example (with fully qualified names for clarity):

public void testGetDelegatedBarByIndex() {
    Foo mockFoo = mock(Foo.class);
    // inject our mock
    Bar mockBar = mock(Bar.class);

    Bar actualBar = objectUnderTest.getDelegatedBarByIndex(1);

    assertThat(actualBar, org.hamcrest.Matchers.any(Bar.class));

如果您想在需要 Mockito 匹配器的上下文中使用 Hamcrest 匹配器,您可以使用 org.mockito.Matchers.argThat 匹配器.它将 Hamcrest 匹配器转换为 Mockito 匹配器.因此,假设您想以某种精度(但不多)匹配双精度值.在这种情况下,您可以这样做:

If you want to use a Hamcrest matcher in a context that requires a Mockito matcher, you can use the org.mockito.Matchers.argThat matcher. It converts a Hamcrest matcher into a Mockito matcher. So, say you wanted to match a double value with some precision (but not much). In that case, you could do:

when(mockFoo.getBarByDouble(argThat(is(closeTo(1.0, 0.001))))).
