如何将模拟注入具有@Transactional 的@Service

2022-01-14 00:00:00 unit-testing spring mockito java

我的单元测试中有任何问题,我有类似的东西.如果 blargh 函数使用 Transactional 注释,则模拟注入会在 someService 上被覆盖.如果我删除 Transactional ,则模拟会留在那里.从代码中可以看出,当服务中的函数被注释为事务时,Spring 会延迟加载服务,但在没有注释时会急切地加载服务.这会覆盖我注入的模拟.

I have any issue in my unit test where I have something along the lines of this. The mock injection get overridden on the someService if the blargh function is annotated with Transactional. If I remove the Transactional the mock stays there. From watching the code it appears that Spring lazily loads the services when a function in the service is annotated with transactinal, but eagerly loads the services when it isn't. This overrides the mock I injected.


Is there a better way to do this?

public class SomeTests
  private SomeService someService;

  public void test(){
    FooBar fooBarMock = mock(FooBar.class);
    ReflectionTestUtils.setField(someService, "fooBar", fooBarMock);

public class someService
  @Autowired FooBar foobar;

  @Transactional // <-- this causes the mocked item to be overridden
  public void blargh()



Probably you could try to implement your test in the following way:

public class SomeTests
  @Mock private FooBar foobar;
  @InjectMocks private final SomeService someService = new SomeService();

  public void test(){
    someService.blargh() .....


I could not try it right now as don't have your config and related code. But this is one of the common way to test the service logic.
