使用 PowerMockito.whenNew() 不会被嘲笑,而是调用原始方法

2022-01-14 00:00:00 mockito java junit powermock


I have a code somewhat like this below:

Class A {
  public boolean myMethod(someargs) {
    MyQueryClass query = new MyQueryClass();
    Long id = query.getNextId();
    // some more code
Class MyQueryClass     {
  public Long getNextId() {
    //lot of DB code, execute some DB query
    return id;

现在我正在为 A.myMethod(someargs) 编写测试.我想跳过真正的方法 query.getNextId() 而是返回一个存根值.基本上,我想模拟 MyQueryClass.

Now I'am writing a test for A.myMethod(someargs). I want to skip the real method query.getNextId() and instead return a stub value. Basically, I want to mock MyQueryClass.


So in my test case, I have used:

MyQueryClass query = PowerMockito.mock(MyQueryClass.class);

boolean b = A.getInstance().myMethod(args);


我在测试类的开头使用了 @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class)@PrepareForTest({MyQueryClass.class}).

I used @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) and @PrepareForTest({MyQueryClass.class}) in the beginning of my test class.


But when I debug the test, it is still calling the real method getNextId() of the MyQueryClass class.

我在这里缺少什么?任何人都可以提供帮助,因为我是 Mockito 和 PowerMockito 的新手.

What am I missing here? Can anyone help as I am new to Mockito and PowerMockito.


需要将调用构造函数的类放到@PrepareForTest注解中,而不是正在构造的类 - 请参阅 模拟新对象的构造.

You need to put the class where the constructor is called into the @PrepareForTest annotation instead of the class which is being constructed - see Mock construction of new objects.






