eclipse xdebug 会话永远不会完成

2022-01-14 00:00:00 xampp php xdebug eclipse

我正在尝试让 xdebug 与 eclipse (3.5)/php (在 xampp windows 7 上) 一起工作.我已经验证在 php 中启用了 xdebug - 我有精美的输出,我的 phpinfo 显示了所有 xdebug 的东西.我开启了远程调试,并在我的 Eclipse 机器上输入了局域网 IP 地址.

I am trying to get xdebug working with eclipse (3.5) / php (on xampp windows 7). I have verified xdebug is enabled in php - I have the fancy output and my phpinfo shows all the xdebug stuff. I have remote debug on, and typed in the lan ip address on my eclipse machine.

当我告诉 eclipse 进行调试时,它会启动浏览器并传递调试 URL 参数.看起来不错.

When I tell eclipse to debug, it launches the browser and passes the debug URL parameters. That looks OK.

但是,在 Eclipse 调试透视图中,它显示 'launching myproject' 57% 'waiting for xdebug session'.它永远坐在那里.

However, in eclipse debug perspective it shows 'launching myproject' 57% 'waiting for xdebug session'. It sits there forever.

我已经关闭了两台机器上的 windows 防火墙.

I have turned off windows firewall on both machines.




我也遇到了这个问题,我在 php.ini 文件中缺少这一行:

I had this problem too and I was missing this line in the php.ini file:

xdebug.remote_enable = On
