在 Java 中检测和操作键盘方向键

2022-01-13 00:00:00 keyboard key java direction


我有一个控制台项目,旨在让用户按下键盘方向键(非数字键盘)来移动头像.我很难编码来检查这些键的按下情况.在 Pascal 中,使用readkey"和代码很容易,例如,#80 用于向下按键.然而,我很难理解如何在 Java 中实现相同的功能,尽管我认为我了解 System.in 和 BufferedInputStream 的使用.

I have a console project where it is intended the user presses the keyboard direction keys (non-numeric keypad) to move an avatar. I am having difficulty coding to check for the press of these keys. In Pascal it was easy enough to use "readkey" and code, for example, for #80 for the down keypress. However, I am stumped how to implement the same functionality in Java, though I think I understand the use of System.in and BufferedInputStream.


Could anyone help me out? Your thoughts or hints are much appreciated.


Java 中的控制台支持问题众所周知,我不确定这是否可行.

The Console support issue in Java is well known, I am not sure that this is doable.

这在 System.in 最初是不可能的,因为它曾经是基于行的.

This was not initially possible with System.in since it used to work line-based.

Sun 最终添加了一个 java.io.Console 类.

Sun eventually added a java.io.Console class.

这里是它的 JavaDocs:http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/io/Console.html

Here are its JavaDocs: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/io/Console.html

一旦你得到控制台(我认为是从 System.console 获得的),你就可以得到一个阅读器,也许可以从中读取字符,但我不确定它是否包含键.

Once you get the console (I think from System.console), you can get a reader and perhaps read characters from it, but I'm not sure if it includes keys.

一般来说,如果你想使用键盘,你应该使用 Swing 或 AWT,这很愚蠢.

Generally, you're supposed to use Swing or AWT if you want access to the keyboard, which is silly.

截至 2007 年,有一个关于它的功能请求:这里

As of 2007, there was a feature request about it: here
