如何在 Java 中处理同时按键?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 events keyboard java

如何在 Java 中处理同时按下的按键?

How do I handle simultaneous key presses in Java?


I'm trying to write a game and need to handle multiple keys presses at once.


When I'm holding a key (let's say to move forward) and then I hold another key (for example, to turn left), the new key is detected but the old pressed key isn't being detected anymore.



One way would be to keep track yourself of what keys are currently down.

当你得到一个 keyPressed 事件时,将新的键添加到列表中;当您收到 keyReleased 事件时,从列表中删除该键.

When you get a keyPressed event, add the new key to the list; when you get a keyReleased event, remove the key from the list.


Then in your game loop, you can do actions based on what's in the list of keys.
