需要帮助在 Eclipse 中更改我的包名

2022-01-13 00:00:00 package android eclipse

所以我的包名现在是 com.soundboard.

so my package name is com.soundboard right now.


obviously this name is taken...I am having trouble changing it throughout the package name.

我在这里查看了一些帖子并进行了重构 > 重命名并将其更改为更原始的名称.当我尝试上传新的 .apk 时,我收到了相同的消息,即包名已被使用.

I checked a few posts here and did the refactor > rename and changed it to a more original name. When I tried to upload the new .apk I got the same message that the package name has been taken.

当我将清单中的 package="com.soundboard" 行更改为其他内容时,我在保存时在所有其他页面 (.javas) 中都出现错误.

When I change the package="com.soundboard" line in the manifest to something else I get errors all throughout all the other pages (.javas) when I save.



Step for changing package name using eclipse.

1- 右键单击​​项目.

2- 选择 Android 工具.

3- 选择重命名应用程序包

4- 输入新的应用程序名称,然后按 OK.
