没有域关联的 java 包名称的约定是什么?

我在 SO 上找不到回答我的确切问题的 Q/A,所以我想我会发布它,看看有什么结果.

就 Java 包的命名约定而言,我知道它应该是反向域名:com.whatever.stuff,并且我得到了关于不混合大小写、连字符、关键字等.

我还阅读了 Java 语言规范的第 7.7 节(唯一包名称).据我所知,Java 的规则是使用反向域来确保唯一性……如果你没有,那就去买一个:

您首先拥有(或属于拥有)互联网域名的组织,例如 sun.com,从而形成一个唯一的包名称. - 第 7.7 节





如果你要分发很多东西,我真的建议你申请一个域名.然而,另一种选择是使用您的电子邮件:例如bob@gmail.com 将变为 com.gmail.bob.这比使用域名少见,但仍然由一些人完成,并且仍然确保唯一性.

I can't find a Q/A on SO that answers my exact question, so I figure I'd post it and see what comes back.

As far as the naming convention goes for Java packages, I understand that it's supposed to be the reverse domain name: com.whatever.stuff and I get the rules about no mixed case, hyphens, keywords, etc.

I've also read section 7.7 (Unique-Package-Names) of the Java Language Specification. As far as I can tell, the rules from Java are to use the reverse domain to insure uniqueness... and if you don't have one, go get one:

You form a unique package name by first having (or belonging to an organization that has) an Internet domainname, such as sun.com. - Section 7.7

So if I'm not interested in shelling out the money for a domain name, I don't belong to a company whose name I can piggyback off of, is there any part of the naming convention that I'm missing that should be followed? I'm thinking I can just go name it whatever unique name I feel like at this point, but I was just wondering if I was missing anything.

Note: I would like to release my package for other developers to use, so I didn’t want to just do something that worked on my system, but something more standard if possible.

I added the android tag because the java packages I'm going to be writing are going to be used in an Android application, wasn't sure if there were different opinions from android developers.


If you are going to be distributing a lot of stuff, I would really suggest getting a domain name. Another alternative however would be to use your e-mail: e.g. bob@gmail.com would become com.gmail.bob. This is less common than using domain names but is still done by some and still ensures uniqueness.
