编译时如何通配符包含 JAR 文件?
我在 java 文件 (MyRtmpClient.java) 中有以下内容:
I have the following in a java file (MyRtmpClient.java):
import org.apache.mina.common.ByteBuffer;
和 ByteBuffer
位于 JAR 文件中(当然具有正确的目录结构).该 jar 文件和我需要的其他文件与 .java 文件位于同一目录中.
and ByteBuffer
is inside a JAR file (with the proper directory structure of course).
That jar file and others I need are in the same directory as the .java file.
javac -cp ".;*.jar" MyRtmpClient.java
MyRtmpClient.java:3: 包 org.apache.mina.common 不存在
导入 org.apache.mina.common.ByteBuffer;
如何在我的项目中包含 jar 文件?
How can I include jar files in my project?
your command line is correct, but there are some considerations:
- 您必须拥有 javac >= 1.6,因为只有在该版本中,编译器才会将*"解析为各种 JAR 文件.
- 您必须运行 Windows,因为;"仅是该操作系统的路径分隔符(它在 Unix 上不起作用,Unix 上的路径分隔符是:").
我假设 JAR 文件具有您所说的正确目录结构.
I'm assuming that the JAR file has the proper directory structure as you stated.